Cover image credit: Peter Burdin Africa ( MINDS Founder and Executive Chairman, Dr. Moyo features in the recently-launched, McKinsey...
Author Archive for: MindsAfrica
11th June 2015 African Development Bank (AfDB) President, Dr. Donald Kaberuka paid a surprise visit to the MINDS West...
Founder of MINDS, Dr. Nkosana Moyo attended the 2015 London School of Economics (LSE) Africa Summit
Minds Africa, , Stay Informed News Archive, 019th April 2015 MINDS Founder and Executive Chairman, Dr Nkosana Moyo attended the 2015 London School of Economics (LSE)...
MINDS Founder, Dr. Nkosana Moyo guest speaker at Market Open event at the launch of the #AfricaNot4Sale campaign
Minds Africa, , Stay Informed News Archive, 010th April 2015 MINDS Founder, Dr. Nkosana Moyo delivered a keynote address at the Amnesty International Market Open Event...
MINDS Founder, Dr. Moyo speaks at 2nd African Think Tank Summit
Minds Africa, , Stay Informed News Archive, 08th April 2015 “The biggest resource that any country has, is its people”. Those were the words quoted by...
North Africa Regional Training Workshop in Civic Education on Elections and Governance
Minds Africa, , Stay Informed News Archive, 029th March 2015 On the 26th and 27th March 2015 of March 2015, the Mandela Institute for Development Studies...
One of MINDS’ objectives is to use its platform for publicizing ideas that we believe can make a useful...