Mr Ali Mufuruki was a dedicated family man, devoted friend, visionary leader, and businessman committed to advancing Africa. That...
Archive for category: Latest News
When art shines a light on culture and tradition, it serves as an important educational tool. Creating the FABRIC...
MINDS launches digital platform to drive Africa growth
Minds Africa, , Announcements, Latest News, 0The Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) has launched a digital platform to drive continent-wide discussions towards a vision...
Social media can help young leaders tap into a continental network of communities
Minds Africa, , Latest News, youth dialogue, 0Social media can help young leaders tap into a continental network of communities. In fact, social media is already...
If Africans want to reconnect to their heritage, they need to associate it with elements of their culture that...
Building on the legacy of Mandela: The road to quality education and youth empowerment in Africa
Minds Africa, , Announcements, Events, Latest News, youth dialogue, 0Aim of the webinar: To provide a platform in collaboration with young African leaders and other key stakeholders to...
Leadership Fundamental Skills Development Webinar Series
Minds Africa, , Announcements, Events, Latest News, youth dialogue, 0MANDELA INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (MINDS) LEADERSHIP FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS WEBINAR SERIES MINDS is hosting its Leadership Development Training from...
Webinar Avec La Jeunnesse de MINDS Qui Va Explorer Les Scénario Possible Apres COVID-19
Minds Africa, , Announcements, Events, Latest News, youth dialogue, 0L’ Institut Mandela pour les études de Développement (Mandela Institute for Development Studies, MINDS) et le Mouvement des Réseaux...